Location: North East England
Industry: Equipment Rental Service
Revolving Credit Facility: £350,000
Our client
Our client specialises in providing equipment rentals for the engineering and construction sectors.
The challenge
Our client initially utilized an Invoice Finance Facility which provided no flexibility or automated processes. Dissatisfied with the manual submission requirements for obtaining funds, they sought a more streamlined approach with automated services.
Their previous provider was generally unreachable for the client. With these challenges in mind they started their search for a more efficient and reliable financial partner to meet their funding needs seamlessly and with engaged customer service.
The solution
We provided a solution that addresses common issues in traditional invoice finance models. With no requirement for invoice submission, no trust account hassle, and the elimination of fixed terms, our approach is dynamic and flexible.
The client chooses our services because we commit to an approachable service model, ensuring easy accessibility through multi channels. Our new client has been set up with a streamlined, automated financial solution with responsive customer support.