TP24 at the NACFB Commercial Finance Expo 2024: A Look Back at Our Experience


We were thrilled to exhibit once again at the NACFB Commercial Finance Expo, held on June 26th, 2024. This year’s event was nothing short of spectacular, bringing together industry leaders, finance experts, and innovative minds from across the finance sector. Here’s a recap of our exciting day at the expo!

Our Enthusiastic Team at Stand S20

From the moment the doors opened, our superstar team—Darwin Delahaye, Tom Stewart, James Kay, Hedley Docx and Matthias Kribbel —were ready and eager to engage with attendees at stand S20. It was an incredible opportunity to catch up with old friends, make new connections, and discuss the latest trends and developments in financing. Who recognised our superstars on the stand walls and the popcorn boxes? 

Highlights of the Day

Our team had an amazing time showcasing our latest offering and solutions tailored for SMEs. The energy at the expo was amazing, with numerous insightful conversations and networking opportunities we couldn’t wish for more! Here are some highlights:

  • Engaging Discussions: We had the pleasure of discussing current financial challenges and solutions with a diverse group of professionals. It was inspiring to see the collaborative spirit among attendees.
  • New Connections: Meeting new faces and expanding our network was one of the most rewarding aspects of the event. We are looking forward to nurturing these relationships and exploring potential collaborations.

Wrapping Up with a Toast

As the day came to a close, we invited everyone to join us for a final round of cold beers at our stand. It was the perfect way to wrap up a successful event—cheers to all the wonderful conversations and the new connections made!

We are already looking forward to next year’s NACFB Commercial Finance Expo. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our stand and made the day memorable. If you missed us at the event, feel free to reach out. Let’s keep the conversation going and continue building a strong future for our clients.

See you at next years edition!

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Any questions about us or our service? Our team is always happy to help.